Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT) 2020 | Round Tables

Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT) 2020 | Round Tables

Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT) 2020 | Round Tables 🗓

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The 25th Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT) will be will be held virtually and will take place from 4 to 6 November 2020.

Due to travel restrictions caused by the corona situation, the workshops and training sessions that are normally organized by ArcHerNet and the Stunde Null/ Zero Hour project in their counties of activity could not take place this year. For this reason, the ArcHerNet team together with the Stunde Null projects and selected external partners are organizing two round tables as part of the CHNT online conference. The aim is providing networking opportunities for young scientists from crisis-hit regions and countries where ArcHerNet is active.

Round Table “Educating Archaeologists for a Digital Era”

The first round table entitled “Educating Archaeologists for a Digital Era” will take place on Wednesday November 4. With the increasing role modern technologies play in the mainstream archaeological practice, teaching and learning the use of these technologies, be it as part of a university curriculum or self-teaching, is becoming increasingly crucial to keep up with the developments in the field. The participants in this round table will discuss, how and which digital technologies are to be integrated in archeological curricula, the demand for technological expertise on a mid- to long-term perspective and how this demand can be satisfied by educational institutions. Furthermore, they aim to exchange experiences in teaching digital archaeology, be it in universities, professional communities or the wider public.

Round Table “Digital Perspectives for the Post-Crisis Recovery of Cultural Heritage”

The second round table entitled “Digital Perspectives for the Post-Crisis Recovery of Cultural Heritage” will take place on Thursday November 5. This round table will explore post-conflict digital reconstruction and their social and practical implications by examining hand-on cases. Professionals and researchers working within the field of digital reconstruction and recovery of cultural heritage on the ground in the conflict regions, will shortly present their own experience with the aim to define the most constructive and sustainable approaches within the digital domain. By exploring various topics, the round table wishes to pave the way for a concrete discussion on digital heritage and its significance in the post-conflict phase.

Participate and Apply for Sponsorship!

To attend and take part in the round tables and the conference, participation fees has to be paid. Knowing the financial difficulties our colleagues in the crisis-hit regions might be facing, and in order to encourage archaeologists and heritage experts from the countries where we normally organize our activities to participate in this conference, ArcHerNet offers to pay the registration fees for the conference.

To apply for sponsorship, please send an email to:

… and provide the following information:

* Name

* Country and address of residence

* Job/study area/affiliation (optional)

* Short statement why you are not able to pay the registration fee

Funding desicions are at the discretion of ArcHerNet and the CHNT scientific committee.


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