Emergency Response for Museums and Objects: Preventive Conservation – Collection Management – Risk Assessment (PrevCons Syria)

Emergency Response for Museums and Objects: Preventive Conservation – Collection Management – Risk Assessment (PrevCons Syria)

Emergency Response for Museums and Objects: Preventive Conservation – Collection Management – Risk Assessment (PrevCons Syria)


In February 2018 University of Applied Sciences Berlin (HTW-Berlin) offered a 5-day training course for Syrian conservators and museums staff in cooperation with the UNESCO Field Office Beirut. The programme includes basic preventive conservation techniques, as there are packing, transport and storage exercises. Furthermore, it offers documentation and monitoring skills, all with a specific focus on evacuated collections.

The course was conducted by HTW-Berlin conservation experts and was complemented by international heritage professionals. It is part of the “Stunde Null Project – A Future for the Time after the Crisis” of the Archaeological Heritage Network (ArcHerNet), which aims to support Syrian cultural heritage professionals in capacity building.

The course offered travelling and accommodation scholarships for 12 participants, provided by the German funding organisation Gerda Henkel Stiftung. Funding also included training equipment and conservation material. Female professionals were especially encouraged to apply and participate. Participants were also asked to contribute with case studies from their own working routine.

Project Coordinator:

Prof. Dr. phil. Alexandra Jeberien


Christoph Rogalla von Bieberstein


UNESCO Field Office Beirut

Archaeological Museums of American University Beirut website.aub.edu.lb/museum_archeo/Pages/index.aspx

Supported by:


Further information:

HTW website


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