Archaeological Heritage Network

Archaeological Heritage Network

Ein Netzwerk zum Erhalt des kulturellen Erbes


Project News

The German Archaeological Institute and the KulturGutRetter-Project supports the preservation and conservation of the archaeological collection at the National Museum...

18 08 2021| Post

The call for applications for the next online course (6-10 September) “Cultural Heritage documentation using Qfield”, coordinated by the IT...

14 07 2021| Post

Enrol in the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) of i.DAI.tutorials and learn about “Instruction for the archaeological drawing of ceramic...

07 07 2021| Post

The call for applications for the next online course (26-30 July) “Recording Cultural Heritage for Post-Conflict Recovery using GIS”, coordinated...

The German Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW) is an important partner in the development of KulturGutRetter and thus also...

17 06 2021| Post

The call for applications for the next online course (05-09 July) “Cultural Heritage documentation using Qfield”, coordinated by the IT...