CALL FOR PAPERS | The World’s Heritage in the Digital Age (CHTN 2021)

CALL FOR PAPERS | The World’s Heritage in the Digital Age (CHTN 2021)

CALL FOR PAPERS | The World’s Heritage in the Digital Age (CHTN 2021) 🗓

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The Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (Hybrid CHNT 26) on “The World’s Heritage in the Digital Age“, initiiated by ICOMOS Austria, takes place November 2-4, 2021 in Vienna and online. The call for papers, short papers (round tables), posters, apps and science slam ends on July 30, 2021.

The Call for Papers, Posters, Apps and Science Slam is open!

The organisers of the HYBRID CHNT 26The World’s Heritage in the Digital Age – New Technologies towards sustainable research, conservation and communication” invite everyone to submit their contribution for sessions, round tables, posters, App award and science slam. Find all information about the submission process here.

The World’s Heritage in the Digital Age

After 25 years of successful management of the CHNT by Stadtarchäologie Vienna, the organization of the conference is under new management. From 2021 onwards, the conference on cultural heritage and new technologies will be organized by CHNT-ICOMOS Austria a sister association of the Austrian National Committee of ICOMOS.

To kick things off, the 26th CHNT will be held under the motto The World’s Heritage in the Digital Age – New Technologies towards Sustainable Research, Conservation and Communication.

All cultural heritage is part of the World’s Heritage. The World Heritage Convention provides a clear framework for the conservation of sites on the World Heritage List. In this way many innovations are developed in particular for the research, conservation and communication of those sites. Still there are many challenging tasks that can be met with innovative technologies and new interdisciplinary methods.

The conference aims to bring together international scientists from all over the world who are involved in research, conservation and management of the world’s cultural heritage. Innovative measuring, data management and processing tools are requested as well as the methods and approaches for the research, management and monitoring of sites and objects.

After a year of challenges due to the global COVID 19 pandemic, this conference aims to provide innovative ideas for the sustainable preservation of the world’s cultural heritage. 

The CHNT board is looking forward to your contributions and participation in the 26th CHNT from November 2-4 in person at the Vienna City Hall or online via our conference portal.

Find the the preliminary CHNT program here.

Digital Tools for the Emergency Rescue of Cultural Heritage | Call for Short Papers

The round table “Digital Tools for the Emergency Rescue of Cultural Heritage” is organised by members of the German Archaeological Institute, Christoph Rogalla von Bieberstein (KulturGutRetter, DAI), Tobias Busen (ArcHerNet, DAI), Bernhard Fritsch ( (DAI) | Berlin | Germany).

About the round table:

During the emergency rescue of built or movable cultural heritage in case of a disaster, a potentially large amount of information is collected. This includes basic information, specific types of documentation – both analogue as well as digital –, such as notes, sketches, photographs, video, audio, plans, geo- and 3D-information, furthermore damage and risk assessments, measures applied, relocation of objects, recommendations, etc. What is more, all this data is likely to be produced in a specific (short) time span by different people and teams, often simultaneously.
In order to be able to handle this data, smart infrastructures are needed which not only enable a project team to organize and access the data during the emergency operation – potentially without permanent access to electricity, internet, etc. –, but also to deliver it to stakeholders such as the entity or people responsible for the affected heritage.

This round table intends to discuss on how emergency rescue operations of cultural heritage can be supported/enhanced by intelligent data infrastructures and other digital tools in order to obtain data collections serviceable for the sustainable conservation of any type of cultural heritage affected by disaster.

We invite you to send us your submission until July 30, 2021

To find more information about the conference and the submission process please visit the CHTN website.


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