Online event series | Ground Check – Cultural Heritage and Climate Change

Online event series | Ground Check – Cultural Heritage and Climate Change

Online event series | Ground Check – Cultural Heritage and Climate Change 🗓

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Scheduled Event Post

The conference “Ground Check – Cultural Heritage and Climate Change“, which was postponed due to the Covid 19 situation, is now being carried out as a online event series. On six dates between September 23 and October 29, 2020, experts will speak on the subject of cultural heritage and climate change. The discussion topics will be presented by the speakers in a 3-5 minute keynote speech and then discussed with the other participants. The event series takes place on the Zoom online platform. To register please follow the link on the ArcHerNet conference Website. The event series is conducted by the German Archaeological Institute and the Archaeological Heritage Network. ArcHerNet is supported by the German Federal Foreign Office.


Discussion #1 | 23rd September 2020, 18:00-19.30 – From Model to Impact: Reconstruction of Past Climate Changes and Their Consequences

Discussion #2 | 30th September 2020, 18:00-19:30 – Impact of Climate Change on Early Cultures – Case Studies

Discussion #3 | 7th October 2020, 18:00-19:30 – Water Management and Desertification

Discussion #4 | 14th October 2020, 18:00-19:30 – Impact of Climate Change on Cultural Heritage | Coastal Risk and Flooding

Discussion #5 | 21st October 2020, 18:00-19:30 – Impact of Climate Change on Cultural Heritage | Warming

Discussion #6 | 29th October 2020, 18:00-19:30 – Final Discussion and Closing Event

About the Event series

Modern archaeology examines all facets of human life. This also includes the effects of climate changes on the environmental conditions in which people lived in the past, and which they also influenced. It provides high-resolution data on local and regional effects of climate changes in a broad temporal perspective. We know about global climate fluctuations extending far back in time from global archives such as deep sea cores and ice sheets. These climate changes did not affect people to the same degree everywhere. In cooperation with many other disciplines, archaeology can thus reconstruct the concrete effects on the lived reality of past communities, as well as their reaction to them.

But archaeology and cultural heritage are also affected by current climate change. Global warming with its very different local effects also entails a wide range of threats to the cultural heritage of the past. The rise in sea level affects not only the distant Pacific islands and their cultural heritage, but also the coasts of Europe. Initial forecasts and calculations show which World Heritage Sites on the Mediterranean coast would end up under water, depending on the extent of sea level rise. The thawing of the permafrost also thaws all the archaeological evidence that has been protected for long periods. Unique contexts and artifacts, such as those made of wood and leather, will thus be lost.



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