Exhibition “Rebuild Palmyra?” opens in Braunschweig

Exhibition “Rebuild Palmyra?” opens in Braunschweig

Exhibition “Rebuild Palmyra?” opens in Braunschweig 🗓 🗺

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Scheduled Event Post
Burgplatz 1, 38100 Braunschweig Map

The HTGW Konstanz – University of Applied Sciences and the University of Konstanz created a joint exhibition project, which was presented from 20th December 2017 to 29th April 2018 at the Landesmuseum Braunschweig.

The exhibition “Rebuild Palmyra? – A Future for a War-Affected World Heritage” is dedicated to the ruins of the city of Palmyra and its cultural preservation.

Palmyra is one of the most impressive ruined cities worldwide. From the 1st to the 3rd century AD the oasis city, located in the Syrian desert, played an important role in long-distance trade between the Mediterranean and India. Since the 17th century the spacious antique city with its temples, column roads and baths has been an attraction for travellers and scientists. Currently, the antique city complex is threatened by destruction.

The project “Stunde Null – A Future after the Crisis” is part of the Archaeological Heritage Network, which was launched in 2016 with the support of the German Federal Foreign Office. Its aim is to establish capacities and basic conditions in conflict/war-affected countries once the crisis is over. The exhibition, co-funded by ArcHerNet, provides insights into the future of a war-affected World Heritage. The exhibition at the Landesmuseum Braunschweig uses multimedia to find new ways of involving visitors.

Title Image: Exhibition Palmyra Rebuild? Interactive trade routes | © University Konstanz.


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